Barbara Franchin – Founder & Director
Sergio Drioli – Vice Director, Strategies & Production
Michele de Facchinetti – Art Director, Strategies & Production
Giulia and Aldo Lonciari – Accounting Office
Stefano Michelani – Accounting Office
Fabrizio Bressan – Web & IT Consultant
Francesco Sponza – Assistant to Administration Office & Production
Michele Colucci – PA to Director
Fabio Bressan – Creative Director & Director of the ITS 2020 fashion stories
Martino Pilot – Head of Multimedia Office
Giulio Dambrosi – Multimedia Office
Marco Boncompagno – Multimedia Office & Social Networks
Alessandro Offer – Press Office
Federica Marchesich – Press Office
Flavia Cocuccioni – Head of Schools & Contestants Office
Virginia Dordei – Schools & Contestants Office
Giovanni Papalexis – Head of Hospitality Office and Office Manager
Paola Uxa – Hospitality Office & Entries
Edoardo Franchin – Assistant to Hospitality Office & Entries
Giorgia Potop – Hospitality Office Intern
Patrizia Gioffrè – Invitations
Davide Del Degan – Director of the ITS 2020 teaser video
Stefano Pettirosso – runner
Luca “Il Magnifico” Vendola – runner
There is more staff we would like to thank. We would have certainly worked with them if it wasn’t for the covid-19 Pandemic: Giulia Valeria Anderson, Maurice Andiloro, Romina Beltramini, Donatella Bolognini, Corrado Canulli, Pablo Chiereghin, Tommaso Cortivo, Nicolò Coscia, Matteo Cracco, Andrea di Filippo, Laura Doljak, Leonardo Driussi, Giuseppe Fontani, Sergio Hlacia, Soraya Ismaili, Thomas George Kelland, Sofia Kovaleva, Michele Luppi, Giulia Masserenti, Christian Music, Giacomo Nicotera, Simone Paternich, Lorenzo Pellizzari, Francesco Quaranta, Annibelle Seilern und Aspang, Camilla Sossi, Suomi Sponton, Gabriele Starini, Giorgio Walt, Fabrizia Zuzich, all the drivers of the cars which would have carried our guests.
Special thanks to:
SAIPH SrL especially dott. Marco Bono and Axel Coren
ORION SpA President Luca Farina
SAMER & CO and the entire Samer family
Prefetto dott. Valerio Valenti

The pictures published here were used with kind permission of the photographers, of the photography archives and of the consulted magazines. Since it is impossible to collect all of the respective reserved rights, EVE S.r.l. apologies for any omission and is available to discuss any queries.

and thanks
Regione Friuli Venezia Giulia thanks to President Massimiliano Fedriga, to Regional Minister for Work, Training, Education, University and Research Alessia Rosolen, to Regional Minister for Productive Activities and Tourism Sergio Bini and to Regional Minister for Culture and Sports Tiziana Gibelli. A special thanks for welcoming and hosting the Awards Ceremony.
Promoturismo FVG, thanks to General Director Lucio Gomiero and Marketing Director Bruno Bertero. Also extra thanks Promoturismo and Raffaella Pellarin for the Friuli Venezia Giulia natural territory aerial images, featured in the ITS 2020 video intro.
The City of Trieste thanks to the Mayor Roberto Dipiazza
Fondazione CRTrieste thanks to President Tiziana Benussi, President Emeritus Massimo Paniccia and to Secretary-General Paolo Santangelo
OTB Group especially Renzo Rosso, Antonella Viero, Alessio Cian-Seren and Rina Tollio
illycaffè especially Chairman Andrea Illy, Art Director Carlo Bach, Violante Avogadro, Giulia Zanini and Roberta Scarafile
Swatch thanks to Carlo Giordanetti and to Chiara Arceci
Lotto thanks to Andrea Tomat and Stefano Taboga
Allianz especially Ceo Giacomo Campora, Monica Esposito, Francesca Douglas, Cinzia Fortunati and Raffaella Zurla
Tomorrow London Holdings Ltd thanks to Stefano Martinetto, Giancarlo Simiri and Tim Ryan
Trieste Trasporti thanks to President Piergiorgio Luccarini, Annalisa Gomezel and Michele Scozzai
Trieste Airport FVG, especially President Antonio Marano and Director Marco Consalvo
Eurospital especially Giulia and Massimiliano Kropf
Mediocredito especially President Alfredo Antonini, Mauro Tion and Giovanni Liverani
Everyone at Develon especially Lorenzo Gottin, Marco Pietribiasi, Giorgio Dal Maso, Paolo Valentini, Daniele Nabissi and Elena Zilio
Vogue Talents thanks to Sara Sozzani Maino and Elisa Pervinca Bellini
Il Piccolo especially Editor-in-Chief Enrico Grazioli, Deputy Editor Alberto Bollis and Benedetta Moro
PianoB for the Production, especially Mario Viscardi, Stefano Losco, Caterina Lana, Marianna Zarini, Gianluca Sottile, Lorenzo Tempesti and Andrea Morello
Plesh Srl for the technical support
The Office thanks to Cristiana Fiandra and Rossella Spangaro
Alain Winters and his staff – Sonia Valenti, Paola Frascogna, Kathleen Lyons – for the Hair Styling
Ministero per i Beni e le Attività Culturali
Autorità di Sistema del Mare Adriatico Orientale especially President Zeno D’Agostino, Secretary General Mario Sommariva and Secretary Vanna Coslovich
Pitti Immagine especially Raffaello Napoleone, Agostino Poletto, Lapo Cianchi and Luca Rizzi (Tutoring & Consulting)
Camera Nazionale della Moda Italiana especially President Carlo Capasa
Fondazione Friuli especially Presidente Giuseppe Morandini
Fondazione Carigo especially Presidente Roberta Demartin
All the jurors from our International Jury & from our Media Jury for their precious help
All the Colleges and Academies which enrolled in ITS 2020 and all of their teachers and tutors
All former ITS finalists. Way, way too many to list here!
All of the ITS 2020 contestants for enrolling
All of the press that supports and gives visibility to ITS
Thanks to Enrico Marchetto for his precious consultancy
Etta Carignani… your strength and your energy inspire us, we are blessed with your friendship
All of our friends who have supported us and taught us so much, you are all important!
Fashion Show Director and Choreographer Rosemary Ferrari at Studio Ferrari and her assistants Guelfa Rugarli and Luciano Pasini
Cecilia Carbonelli, Rossella Barillaro and Marilena Lofino for the Make Up
Gianluca Guerra for the ITS 2020 soundtrack and for the rest of the music
Massimo Gardone and Azimut Photo for their never-ending support
The video crew: Davide del Degan, Carlo Pacorini, Marjiana Braikovic, Paolo Babici, Arti Merdov, Marco Marchioli, Massimiliano Morelli and Jorge Daniel Muchut
STS especially Alberto Pasqualini and Cristian Desiante
Director of photography Marco Rizzuto and light designer Stefano Chiovini
Carlitography, Angelina Rusin, Rouge Maudit, Sandro Benedetti, Diego Muratore, Arti e Beatrice for the launch video
Grel by Elena Greco for her help during production
Engineer Giovanni Famulari for his precious consultancy
Thanks to the Polinvestigation security team, the rest of the backstage team and everyone else who has worked for ITS
All the models
Photographer Giuliano Koren and assistant Claudia Calderone
Thanks to Paola Corazza for text editing and translations
Amelia Saldana for the ironing & mending of all the collections
Our building janitor: thanks so much to Dario Pellegrino for his support during the lockdown
Massimo Garbo and Graficart for making the ITS Catalogue possible
All of the former ITS finalists for allowing us to use images of their work for the printed materials and website.