International jury

The ITS 2020 International Jury is composed of the world’s leading designers, stylists, photographers, artists, opinion leaders, insiders, journalists and influencers. Regardless their crazy schedules they commit to view and evaluate the strongest young creativity around, selected from the over 600 applications entered this year. The jury is in charge of assigning the following two awards: The ITS Responsible Fashion Award powered by Allianz, will give a Fashion finalist the cash prize of €10,000 and a Tutorship on Responsible Creativity.
The ITS Responsible Accessories Award powered by Allianz will give an Accessories or Jewelry finalist the cash prize of €10,000 and a Tutorship on Responsible Creativity.
Fashion Revolution will organise tailor made responsible creativity mentorships for both winners, which will be run by the Fashion Open Studio team.

media jury

For the first time, ITS introduces a Media Jury, an independent panel composed of some of the most renowned and respected journalists who will be in charge of voting a very special award. The Media Jury will assign the ITS Press Choice Award: €5,000 to the fashion, accessories or jewellery finalist who, as well as developing a responsible creativity concept, will have best conveyed their vision, along with a socially beneficial and innovative message. Such an important task is much more than just a scouting activity, as it aims to show a contemporary and visionary idea, indicating the path to choose and highlighting the value of those who have already embraced it.