Jimin Lee


Born 26th September 1991, South Korean

Jimin is interested in eroticism, sexuality and the naked human form. Drawing is where her work begins and how she expresses what she sees and how she feels, revealing her imagination. ‘I want to express a woman’s desire by exploring the male body to show how I see them. I come from a conservative Korean culture where a woman’s sexual desire is taboo and perceived as abnormal. However, since moving to New York I have become very interested in the subject of sex and desire. I took a life drawing class where I was able to study the male form and I began to feel the possibility of breaking free from the repressed sexual culture I have always known. I don’t want to hide myself or my sexual desires anymore.’ Her drawings developed into textiles and informed her silhouettes. Large unexpected cut-outs on men’s oversized suits reveal parts of the male body. She explores a new found freedom through her work, that results in an admiration and respect for the naked male form.


Tomorrow Entrepreneurial Creativity Award

The winner of the Tomorrow Entrepreneurial Creativity Award will have a space to showcase his/her collection at the Tomorrow Le Palais Showroom, Paris.


Tomorrow’s selection this year is made in recognition of a new approach taken to tailoring, modernising it and bringing it up to speed with the times we are living in. The attention to detail in this project, in terms of both silhouettes and fabrics research, as well as how the fabric is cut around the body is incredibly fresh and impressive.